четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.

removing wine stains from carpets::You go from store to store and troll the internet until, finally, you find your perfect rug removing wine stains from carpets

removing wine stains from carpets

removing wine stains from carpets

removing wine stains from carpets

removing wine stains from carpets::You go from store to store and troll the internet until, finally, you find your perfect rug.
The rug is your new baby and it fits seamlessly into your home but then one day you have a party and a glass of red wine gets knocked over on your pride and joy.
Panic sets in and your mind goes blank, what should you do?
The first response should always be to remove as much of the culprit as possible.
Red wine is the most common stain that persian carpet cleaners deal with and can be permanent if left to set.
Blot as much of the stain out with a white towel or paper towel, remove as much of the liquid as possible.
Remember, blot do not rub, this can change the texture of your rug.
The old trick of flushing the spill with white wine can come in handy as it dilutes the stain, removing some of the red dye in the process.
Pouring over salt to soak up the moisture before vacuuming has reportedly helped some people remove more of the stain leaving less of a problem for the rug cleaners to work with.
removing wine stains from carpets::But now, the good folks who brought
you goo gone have a nifty product made just for removing wine stains
from carpets, clothing and table linens removing wine stains from

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